Calvary Presbyterian Church of Detroit

Black lives matter, and we must declare it, because all lives do matter.

We wish to grow as a community and as an institution in our commitment to racial equity and healing in our world, particularly in the city of Detroit. Focusing on our life of faith as a church, our city, and our daily lives, we are growing in numerous ways, engaging in leadership development work, prayerful action and advocacy, partnerships near and far, and a gospel message preached with clarity and compassion. We are committed to change over the long term, and invite you to join this journey with grace and joy.

Passion Leads To Design,
Design Leads To Performance,
Performance Leads To Success!

We wish to grow as a community and as an institution in our commitment to racial equity and healing in our world, particularly in the city of Detroit. Focusing on our life of faith as a church, our city, and our daily lives, we are growing in numerous ways, engaging in leadership development work, prayerful action and advocacy, partnerships near and far, and a gospel message preached with clarity and compassion. We are committed to change over the long term, and invite you to join this journey with grace and joy.